Monday, March 31, 2008

The Human Body

As I sit here wondering what to write in this blog (our boss made us do, freddie!) plenty of headlines rush through my head. I could write on the Air Show but unfortunately I wasn't able to go. I could write on the biggest story in the AP wire but I just put it on the page. I'm watching Family Guy but I doubt that would be a smart choice for a blog, plenty of laughs but no substance.

An hour and a half in... Alright.... The History Channel
Well, recently with the new beau I have been indulging myself with shows from the Discovery and History channels. Under Ground Cities, How It's Made, Myth Busters, and my favorite THE HUMAN BODY.

If you have not seen this show you must. I just wanted to comment on the brillance of this show. Besides the massive educational information, which is amazing in itself, the graphic elements of this show are beyond appreciating. They show, for example, a woman hiking in the desert up a huge cliff and falls approximately 20-30 feet to the ground. She has broken her leg in about 4 different places. Her ankle, hip, thigh, and shin, all on one side. There is this thing in your brain that controls pain. Your brain tells the rest of your body that it doesn't hurt. (like when you slam your finger in the door and it doesn't hurt for about 8 sec.) This woman crawled 2 hours just using her arms across the desert until she reached help. As soon as she saw the ambulance the pain was unbearable! Her brain kept the pain down for two hours. wow!

The image in your head right now of this story is the exactly how they show it.

This show is a must see! It is called THE HUMAN BODY. and if you didn't know... this show is based off of The Human Body exhibit in Mobile, AL.


Lindsey Key

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