Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New attitude about blogging

Ida Brown

Last week, I made my first blog entry under the heading "New Kid on the Blog." I wrote about how this new technology was somewhat intimidating for me and even hinted how I was coerced – kicking and screaming – into doing this by my editor, Fredie Carmichael (sorry Fredie, I have to make you the bad guy one more time ...)

I now have a new attitude about this blogging thing. I'd written a story for today's paper about first-time dad Rick Nowell, who is a candidate for a bone marrow transplant. His sister has been determined as a matching donor, however Nowell is having financial problems; he has no insurance and is unable to work. A fund has been established at a local bank in his name for those who would like to provide financial assistance.

I also included something about Rick's situation on the blog. Meridian residents always rally around those in need and my hope was that this time would be no exception.

And I was right. I've received several e-mails from local residents who read the story or blog and inquired about where to send their contributions (a box with this info accompanied the story, but some people seemed to have missed it.)

I also received an e-mail from Christin L. Engelhardt, director of Patient Advocacy and Professional Programs, Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation. Engelhardt, who is in Rockville, Md., provided web links to programs sponsored by the National Bone Marrow Program and National Institutes of Health. I forwarded the information to Nowell's parents and when I talked to his father, he was expressed great appreciation about the information and inquiries.

So ...

Because of the goodwill that has evolved thus far from the blog, I'm happy to say that the New Kid on the Blog now has a new attitude about this technology – until it breaks. You know what they say about technology: It's great when it works, but when it doesn't ....

Seriously, I'm looking forward to many future blogs. Fredie and I noticed that both my blog titles included the word "new," and he suggested I try to make that my signature.

Just when blogging was starting to get fun, "somebody" had to make it more like work (smile).


By the way ... If you'd like to make a donation to the Rick Boswell Fund, go to any branch of Citizens National Bank. The fund is set up in his name.

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